What is the SET Five technique? 

I want my training methods to be more than just offering workouts and macros. I believe that being healthy is a multitude of daily habits. Not just something you cross off the to do list. 

I reflected on tasks I did when I first started training and tasks mentors taught me. A lot of these habits seem so simple, but they are the ones that get missed often. 

  1. Routine. Think of a life long lasting routine. Most of what I will teach you will be things you are doing daily. Example: bed and wake up times.  
  1. Training. Focusing on accommodating your current phase of life. For example, if you’ve just had a baby and are cleared to workout at 6 weeks postpartum, chances are you don’t need to partake in a vigorous six to seven day workout routine. You need to work up to that point. We will discuss options on what is the best program for you. 
  1. Nutrition. This will be more than just hitting macro plans. This will be about truly eating properly, learning about calorie intake, breaking the yo yo dieting, truly fueling your body, so you can recover properly. We will discuss any struggles and come up with a plan on how to break past those struggles so you can learn to enjoy food. 
  1. Sleep or Recovery. Establish a night routine. Eliminating screen time one hour before bed. Put your mind and body into a wind down mode so ensure a proper night’s rest. Your evening routine will help set up the morning routine. If you don’t currently have a night or morning routine to follow, we will create you one. 
  1. Restore. All about self care. Take breaks from social media. Get outside, journal, get organized, an organized mind can have the potential to do anything. Here, I can help guide you on how to manage stress. 

Not ready for one on one coaching yet? That’s okay! I’ve created a monthly workout program for you to follow! It can be done from the gym or home! Plus, modifications if you need alternate movements! $14.99

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I created Your Fitness Journey Academy in 2022 when I started to talk to women who wanted to better their health, but didn’t have the time or money to hire a personal trainer. I created this course, so you could go through all the things we would go through together at your own convenience. 

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